One buzz word after the pandemic has definitely been ‘Family’.
Although, Marketing Radar have always had Family at its heart.
This was never more evident than this weekend when the entire Radar family, including team members, husbands & wives, children and even dogs, came together for the annual family away weekend, enjoyed this year in Monmouth.
It was a time to catch up, share ideas, meet new people, and build relationships, whilst enjoying the great outdoors (and trying to avoid the rain) and having a memorable time together. It is good to be able to put a face to a name of family members, about whom you hear stories daily.
Now, we’ve always known that the members of the Radar team go above and beyond in their day-to-day roles, but this was put to the test over the weekend when the local restaurant (where we’d ordered dinner) had a few staffing issues and one of the chefs failed to turn up to work. To ensure that everyone could enjoy dinner, two members of the team rolled up their sleeves and stepped in to help the chef. A disaster was avoided, and despite dinner being a few minutes later than planned, it was a phenomenal success.
A great team building weekend was had by all, whether it was playing a game of pool, enjoying a walk around the local area, being entertained by the children, relaxing in the hot tub, or just catching up (trying not to talk too much about work) over a glass of wine.
Family truly runs through the core of Radar’s company values.